Next month I am going to be TWENTY. So I thought now the time has come to take my life more seriously and think about my future. Future, hmmmm in 5-6 years from now I have to find someone who will be compatible with me and will satisfy all my needs. Yes needs and I am being calculative about my future girl. It is a myth,”when there is love you need nothing else”. I think it was quoted by some gay and by the way Gays also have needs. So to start with the list…
A cool Delhite or a Small town Girl : I am born in Delhi and raised here. If I will pick a Delhi girl she will be a good companion. She would be more confident, less whiner, good to talk with and I assume she will be more adventurous ;). BUT she could also be the “experienced” one and I would hate it. Yeah she may have flirted with thousands of guys, went out with some other and her past stories may make me feel like acid in my ass. Whereas a Small town Girl will be an easy maintenance and would be more caring BUT she would never understand when I will really need a friend.
To conclude a Delhite will be preferable because I may be a better understanding person in next 5 years and I may also have some past (in future). So I will manage but yes there is another way to have a beautiful low maintenance Small town girl at home and have some good friends outside (not to be confused with extra marital affairs).
A truthful and Understanding girl: The top priority need is that she should understand about the lies I will tell her. She should really understand that we cannot live without lies and there is no person in the world who doesn’t lie, even the girls who say that they never lie are lying while narrating that very statement. Oh common how many Girls tell their parents about their boyfriends?
A Sweet Smile: In looks I have only one requirement that she should have a sweet smile(unless she is hot) and dimples would be preferable. She must not be much taller than me so that my ego doesn’t get hurt and I don’t care about how she smells (I am not literally a Dog).
Now Some brief Mandatory needs.
She Should not like Twilight and Edward Cullen.
She should have at least 3 best friends (who should be less good looking than her so that I can be in my limits).
She should not use Dear in every line.
She should not be overly sweet (then she will look fake).
She should not tag me in her Stupid Facebook post regarding how much she loves me.
She should laugh at my every joke.
She should not be Blonde(mentally).
She Should not be too much intelligent too: She will become hard to handle.
She should have patience to Listen to me.
She should call her dog a DOG not baby.
She should call me by my name not "my sweetu pumpkin" or "My Baby".
P.S. She should be all the above UNLESS SHE IS HOT.